Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Palinka {Writing about Food}

by L. Dani, 6th grade


Okay So if it’s not made in Hungary it’s not pálinka
1st You need some plums and ’some’ alcohol. You can steal some plums every autumn during the fruit harvest.
2nd Put the not stolen plums in a barrel for fermentation and then squash them so the police have no proof that you stole them.
3rd After years when the plums are not sweet add some sugar (around 1 tons)
4th You will need ’heavy artillery’ (If you don’t have! Don’t steal one)
5th This will take long 4 you because you have to stay up overnight so get some coffee and coke and get ready.
6th You will have to stir for hours. Also, you will need a furnace that’s why you have to stir so let’s go !don’t steal one. You will need a cauldron too so !don’t steal that either. After some hours the first drops will appear
7th Done
8th Dig your grave
9th Go into the grave
10th Drink it

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