Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Christmas {Writing about Christmas Traditions}

by Evi, 5th grade

In my family we celebrate Christmas every year. Me and my sisters and my brother always are very happy and very excited. We always go up to the loft and pick up the fake tree and go down and we starts to dress up the tree, but before Christmas me and my sister (Heni) make a gingerbread house. After we go to help my mum.We always cook for three days before Christmas. I always make gifts for my parents and my parents are always happy for that.We always open the presents on December 24 because Hungarians do this, but this year my family is thinking about changing this. My family has two dogs and my dogs always get presents because my family really loves our dogs and my dogs always sleep in the family house. The tree is in the kids' bedroom. I have a three years old sister and she really loves Christmas and she always dresses up at Christmas and she always uses a Christmas voice.

Merry Christmas!

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