Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pandas {Animal Project - Informational Writing}

by Bogi, 6th grade

Pandas are black and white.  Pandas resemble bears . Pandas can eat bamboo but they also can eat fish and small animals. They live in China in a misty and rainy forest. Only about 1,500 pandas exist in the world. The pandas’ molars are broad and flat. Pandas can climb up 13,000 feet and they are very good swimmers. Sometimes the male pandas relax in a 13,000 feet high tree. An adult female panda weighs 200 pounds. The panda is very shy because pandas can not go close to humans. This restricts pandas to a limited area. The panda is 165-300 lbs,  like a piano. The panda is slower then  a car because they can only run 18 mph. The panda is shorter than a school bus because they are 5.3-6.2 feet long.

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