Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jaguars {Animal Project - Informational Writing}

by Eszter, 7th grade

I’ve chosen the Panthera Onca, or the Jaguar, as it’s commonly known as. They have orange fur with the black "rosettes," spots that look like roses. There is also a rare type, the black Jaguar, which is black with black spots. As with other animals in "the big cat family", the Jaguar is a carnivore. It mostly eats fish, turtles, or caimans. Sometimes they eat deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They can kill their prey with one bite. They live in South America, in forests, mountains, and deserts. They live for 12 and 15 years. They are going extinct. They can run 80 km/h. They are 100 kg. They can be 1.8 meters long.

(Picture from web)

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